Oct. 11, 2012

                                                                                                DHH interpretation


This wild type adult hermaphrodite was prepared for study of cell fates of “undead cells” which failed to undergo programmed cell death in a ced-3 (n717) mutant background.  This mutant allele, isolated in the Horvitz lab, was first described by Ellis and Horvitz in a Worm Breeder’s Gazette article in Jan 1982 and in their paper in 1986.  The TEM study of the adult mutant was conducted at MRC, and aimed to follow the exact cell fates of many “undead cells” (JG White et al., 1991).   This study encompassed four animals, one for the hermaphrodite nose, one for the RVG and anterior ventral cord, another for anterior ventral cord, and one for the posterior ventral cord and tail cells. 


Figures 1 and 2 from the White et al paper come from this specimen, ced-3 Nose.  Among the interesting features within the print set are four CEM cell dendrites (normally present in adult male nose, but which undergo programmed cell death in the hermaphrodite embryo), and an extra “supernumerary dendrite” associated with each amphid.  The left supernumerary dendrite stops short before reaching the amphid channel (see print 85 and Figure 2c in the paper), but on the right side the supernumerary dendrite forms a cilium that enters the amphid channel (see print 56 and Figure 2b).



HM Ellis and HR Horvitz (1982) On Death and Dying in C. elegans. WBG Vol. 7, No 1


HM Ellis and HR Horvitz (1986) Genetic control of programmed cell death in the nematode. Cell 44: 817-829.


JG White, E Southgate and N Thomson (1991) On the nature of undead cells in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans.  Phil Trans R Soc Lond B 331: 263-71. 



Color codes (many taken directly from White et al 1991 and from his notes)

Red numbers

1          AmSoL

2          AmSoR

3          AmShR

4          AmShL


Green numbers

1          AWBR

2          AWAR

3          AWCR

4          AWCL

5          AWAL

6          AWBL

11        FLPR

14        BAGL


Blue numbers

1          IL1VR

2          IL2VR

3          IL2VL

4          IL1VL

5          IL2L

6          IL1L

7          IL2R

8          IL1R

9          IL2DL

10        IL1DL

11        IL2DR

12        IL1DR

13        ADFR

14        ASER

15        ADLR

16        supernumerary amphid dendrite on right

17        ASIR

18        ASJR

19        ASKR

20        ASHR

21        ADFR

22        ASGR

23        ADLR

24        OLQVR

25        CEPVR

25a     CEMVR   undead cell

26        OLQVL

27        CEPVL

27a     CEMVL   undead cell

28        CEPDL

28a     CEMDL   undead cell

29        OLQDL

30        OLQDR

31        CEPDR

31a     CEMDR   undead cell

32        ADFL

33        ADLL

34        ASEL

35        ASJL

36        ASKL

37        ASIL

38        ASHL

39        ASGL

40        ADFL

41        ADLL


Pink numbers

12        ILshDR

13        ILshDL

14        ILsoDL

19        ILsoDR

23        ILshR

25        supernumerary amphid dendrite on left

30        ILshL

31        ILsoL

32        ILsoR

36        ILsoVL

39        ILshVL

43        ILshVR

46        ILsoVR         


Violet numbers

1          OLshDR

2          OLshDL

3          OLshVR

4          OLshVL

5          URYD

6          OLsoDL

7          OLsoDR

8          URYD

9          CEPshDR

10        ILsoDR

11        CEPshDL

12        ILshDR

13        ILsoDL

14        ILshDL

15        extra dorsal process ending at print 24

16        URA?

17        CEPsoDL

18        CEPsoDR

19        URX?             Seems different from wild type

20        URX?             Seems different from wild type

21        OLsoR

22        OLshR

23        ILshR

24        URB?


26        OLsoL

27        extra lateral process ending at print 84

28        URB?

29        OLshL

30        ILshL

31        ILsoL

32        ILsoR

33        extra lateral process ending at print 95


35        OLsoVL

36        URA?

37        extra ventral process ending at print 10

38        ILsoVL

39        ILshVL

40        CEPshVL

41        extra ventral process ending at print 59

42        CEPsoVL

43        ILshVR

44        URA?

45        extra ventral process ending at print 17

46        ILsoVR


48        extra ventral process ending at print 92


50        CEPsoVR

51        CEPshVR

52        URA?